


The mission of the University of Crete is to generate and transmit scientific knowledge, to prepare new scientists and scholars for its application, and to contribute to the advancement of human culture. These goals are achieved by pursuing close links between research and education, by encouraging scientific dialogue and by utilizing the capabilities and talents of staff and students.


The University of Crete seeks to make education and research an attractive and stimulating experience for its students and researchers by continuously striving to be on the cutting edge of contemporary developments. The University aspires to play a leading role in demonstrating the potential of Greek public universities to participate as equals in international academic life of the 21st century, by adopting international best practices, by outward-looking modes of operation, and by encouraging excellence and innovation.

Strategic Plan

The University of Crete (UoC) Strategic Plan (391/19-07-2018 Senate decision) sets out the vision and goals for the UoC as an international centre of excellence in research and education. We recognize that global trends in wealth and power, labour market diversification, and rapid changes in the world of research and technology intensify international competition among universities to attract high-quality staff and students as well as public and private resources. These trends also raise questions about the social mission of the university at local, national, and international levels In this context, the UoC will build on the tradition created by the quality of its academic activity and its close relationships with the research and innovation ecosystem of Crete, as well as adhere to the principles governing its functioning: democratic governance, excellence in cutting-edge research, linking research and education, international orientation, developing partnerships with leading institutions in the world, as well as, attracting high calibre staff and students with open procedures. At the same time, measures will be taken to increase productivity and better organize UoC operations, while also seeking to resolve institutional issues that make it difficult to achieve its strategic goals.

The full text of the UoC’s Strategic Plan is available here (pdf). A summary of the three primary poles of action and the associated quality assurance targets is available here.


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