Τετάρτη, Φεβρουαρίου 19, 2025

Επιλογή Γλώσσας


Συνεργασίες Τμήματος Φυσικής

University Erasmus code Country language skills Mobility Website
Language of instruction 1 Language of instruction 2 Language of instruction level 
Student Mobility for Studies  Staff Mobility for Teaching  Number of Students and total months Level Staff Mobility for Teaching (days or weeks) Staff Mobility for Training 
Out In Out In Out In
 Universita degli studi di Messina I MESSINA01 ITALY Italian English B1 B2 3X6 3X6 1st, 2nd, 3rd 2 2 www.unime.it/https://international.unime.it
Aarhus Universitet DK ARHUS01 Denmark  Englsih  Englsih  CEFR C1  TOEFL IBT 83  IELTS 6,5 CEFR C1  TOEFL IBT 83  IELTS 6,6 1(6) 1(6) 1st https://www.au.dk
 HUMBOLDT-UNIVERSITAT ZU BERLIN  D BERLIN13 GERMANY German English  B2 B2  1X10  1X10 1st, 2nd  http://www.international.huberlin.de/
Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble (INPG) F GRENOBL22 France  French  English  B1 B1 2(9) 2(9) 1st www.grenoble-inp.fr
Universite d' Orleans FORLEANS01 France  French  B1 2(6) 2(6) 1st 2nd 1(1) 1(1) tbc tbc www.univ-orleans.fr
Universite de Paris-Sud (Paris XI) F PARIS011 France  French  English  B1-B2 B2 2(5) 2(5) 1st  1(1) 1(1) www.u-psud.fr
Hochschule Emden/Leer D EMDEN02 Germany  German  Englsih  German B1  English B2 depends on the language of instruction  1(6) 1(6) 1st  1(tba:2 days to 2 months, min.8 teaching hours) 1(tba:2 days to 2 months, min.8 teaching hours) 1(tba: 2 days to 2 months) 1(tba: 2 days to 2 months) www.hs-emden-leer.de
Ludwig Maximilian Universitat Munchen  DMUNCHEN01 Germany  German  Englsih (master) B1 B1 2(5) 2(5) 1st 2nd 3rd  1(1) 1(1) www.lmu.de/en/international/incoming
HUMBOLDT-UNIVERSITÄT ZU BERLIN, Institut für Physik D BERLIN13 Germany  German  German  B2 B2 1(10) 1(10) 1st 2nd  www.physik.hu-berlin.de
Universita di Milano-Bicocca I MILANO16 Italy  Italian  Italian B1 or compulsory Italian course  1(6) 1(6) 1st 2nd 3rd  1(2) 1(2) www.unimib.it 
Seconda Universita degli studi di Napoli  I NAPOLI09 Italy  Italian  B1 B1/B2 1(5) 1(5) 2nd 3rd  1(8 days) 1(8 days) www.unina2.it 
Universitatea Babes-Bolyai, Cluj-Napoca RO CLUJNAP01 Romania  Romanian  English  English B2 recommended English B2 recommended 2(6) 2(6) 1st 2nd 3rd  2(5 days) 2(5 days) 2(5 days) 2(5 days) www.ubbcluj.ro
Universidad de Cordoba E CORDOBA01 Spain  Spanish or English  B1 2(5) 2(5) (1)1st (1)2nd  www.uco.es
Universiteit Leiden NL LEIDEN01 The Netherlands   Englsih  Dutch(BSc) Minimum required level:IELTS 6.5, TOEFL 90/575 Minimum required level:IELTS 6.5, TOEFL 90/576 1(6) 1(6) 1st 2nd  www.leiden.edu
Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen NL NIJMEGE01 The Netherlands   Englsih (1st 2nd) Dutch(2nd) B2 1(12) 6(1) 1st 2nd  www.ru.nl
Afyon Kocatepe Universitesi TR AFYON01 Turkey  Turkish  English  Enlish B1   English B2    1(3) 2(3) 2nd  T.Zouros(2) M.Dogan(2)   2(2) www.aku.edu.tr
Inonu Universitesi TR MALATYA01 Turkey  Turkish for all programs English for several programs  B1 Enlish  B2 English  2(10) 2(10) 1st 2(min 2 days plus travel time, min 8 hours) 2(min 2 days plus travel time, min 8 hours) 2 2 www.inonu.edu.tr
Albert-Ludwig's Universitat Freiburg D FREIBUR01 Germany German English B2 B2 2x10 2x10 1st 2nd 1x5days 1x5days www.uni-freiburg.de
Universidade Do Minho P BRAGA01 Portugal Portuguese English Portuguese-B1, English-B2 B2 2X6 2X6 2nd, 3rd 2x5days 2x5days www.uminho.pt
Universita degli studi di Napoli Federico II I NAPOLI01 Italy Italian English B1 Italian (no certification required) B2 English/Italian (no certification required) 2X6 1X6 1st, 2nd, 3rd 2x5days 1x5days www.unina.it
University of Bremen D BREMEN01 Germany German English B2 B2 2X6 2X6 1st 2nd 3rd  1X 5days 1x5days www.uni-bremen.de
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